Art Prints On Wall

How Do You Hang Art Prints on Walls?

Hanging wall art prints can transform any space, making it feel personalized and stylish. Knowing the right techniques ensures your art prints on walls look their best. Whether you’re working with art posters or fine art prints, this guide will help you hang them like a pro.

Tiger Head Art PrintsTools You Need for Hanging Wall Art Prints

Before you start, gather the essential tools for hanging wall decor prints. Here’s a list to get you started:

  • Tape Measure: For accurate measurements.
  • Level: Ensures your art prints hang straight.
  • Pencil: To mark the wall.
  • Hammer and Nails: Basic tools for hanging art posters and prints.
  • Picture Hanging Hooks: Offer more support than nails alone.
  • Adhesive Strips: Ideal for damage-free hanging.

Preparing Your Wall for Art Prints

Preparation is key to ensuring your wall art decor look great and stay secure. Follow these steps:

  • Clean the Wall: Dust and dirt can affect adhesion and appearance. Use a damp cloth to clean the wall.
  • Plan Your Layout: Arrange your art prints on the floor before hanging them. This helps visualize the final look.
  • Mark the Spots: Use a pencil to mark where each piece will go. Measure twice to avoid mistakes.

Techniques for Hanging Wall Art Prints

Different methods work for different types of art prints. Here’s how to handle various scenarios:

Using Nails and Hooks

  • Step 1: Measure and mark the wall where you want to hang the art poster.
  • Step 2: Hammer a nail or install a picture hanging hook at the marked spot.
  • Step 3: Hang the art poster, ensuring it’s level.

Using Adhesive Strips

  • Step 1: Attach the adhesive strips to the back of the art print.
  • Step 2: Press the art print firmly against the wall.
  • Step 3: Hold for a few seconds to ensure a secure bond.

Peony Flower Art Print on WallTips for Arranging Art Prints on Walls

Arranging your art prints well can enhance your home wall decor. Consider these tips:

  • Eye Level Placement: Hang art prints at eye level for the best view. This usually means the center of the print is about 57-60 inches from the floor.
  • Group Similar Prints: For a cohesive look, group art prints with similar themes or colors.
  • Create a Gallery Wall: Combine different sizes and styles for an eclectic, stylish gallery wall. Mix art deco posters with modern prints.
  • Symmetrical vs. Asymmetrical: Decide if you want a symmetrical arrangement (perfect for art prints for bedrooms) or an asymmetrical one for a more dynamic look.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Hanging wall art prints can seem simple, but there are common mistakes to avoid:

  • Skipping Measurements: Always measure and mark your wall before hanging. Guesswork leads to crooked prints.
  • Ignoring Wall Type: Different walls need different hardware. Use anchors for drywall and masonry nails for brick or concrete.
  • Overcrowding: Avoid placing too many prints in one area. Leave space between prints to let each piece stand out.
  • Neglecting Frame Weight: Ensure the hardware you use can support the weight of your framed prints.

Enhancing Different Rooms with Art Prints

Art prints can enhance the decor of any room. Here’s how to use them in various spaces:

Living Room

  • Statement Pieces: Use large wall art prints as focal points.
  • Gallery Wall: Combine various prints studio pieces for a personalized touch.


  • Above the Bed: Hang art prints for bedrooms above the bed to anchor the room.
  • Soft Colors: Choose calming prints to create a peaceful atmosphere.


  • Motivational Posters: Use art posters with motivational quotes.
  • Professional Prints: Opt for clean, professional art prints for a focused workspace.


Hanging wall art prints can elevate your home decor, making spaces feel more personal and stylish. With the right tools, techniques, and a bit of creativity, you can hang art posters on walls like a pro. Whether you’re working with art posters, art deco posters, or fine art prints, the key is to plan, measure, and arrange thoughtfully. Enjoy transforming your home with beautiful wall art prints!

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